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Upload your CV and work with Artival

Artival is continuously looking for qualified professionals with different types and levels of expertise ready to engage in short, medium and long term assignments, both home-based and in the field.
Please, fill the below form and upload your CV, preferably in Word format (.doc / .docx). Estimated time of completion: 5 minutes.
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e.g. +34 600 000 000

Please, copy and paste the URL

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Specify the country of current residence

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Max. 5

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e.g. UNHCR, ICRC, OHCHR, MSF, Oxfam, etc.

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separate by comma (,)


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Please, provide us with a short summary of your profile / cover letter.

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Please, copy/paste your full resume/CV in plain text. Do not pay attention to formatting, even if it contains tables, bullet points or any graphic elements.

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Upload your CV, preferably in Word (doc / docx) or PDF.